Saturday, January 8, 2011

Best of 2010 Award goes to BeanTown

Well Blogosphere, admittedly, I took a little break from blogging the latter part of the year.  But I'm back and as we enter 2011, I do so with retrospect.  What was the absolute best meal I ate in 2010?  What meal had the flavor I could live off of the rest of my life, eat every night of the week?

Well the best food I ate in 2010 (and quite possibly my life) was in August during my first ever trip to Boston.  First of all, I fell in love with this town.  If you have not been, put it on your Bucket List and go in 2011.  Go this summer.

Summer in Boston is magical, an escape from the oppressive humidity of the Southeast.  A friendly little town that is home to quite honestly the best tomatoes I have ever tasted in my entire life!  And if you've never been to Italy and may not have the funds to plan to go in your lifetime, go to the North End of Boston.  It's about as authentic as you can get and what a history lesson!  (Little secret:  The tourists will lead you to Mike's Pastry Shop.  The line will be out the door and up the block.  Don't Go!  The Tourists are WRONG!  Go where the locals go...Maria's Pastry.  I didn't even think I liked cannoli, but on my last day in Boston decided I had to have one since I was in Boston's Italy.  Literally the best pastry I have ever had in my entire life.  (And I've eaten pastry all through Paris.)

Now to the best meal I have ever had in my entire life.  The sad part, the part where I am about to let you down...I do not remember the name of the restaurant!  If I were in Boston, I could walk you to it right away, I have a great memory that way.  It was 2 blocks from our hotel, to the right, and had sidewalk seating.  It started with an 'S'.  That is all I know.  But my meal.  Well WOW!  Flavor Explosion!  A beautiful piece of a white fish on a bed of the best medley of summer vegetables I have ever come across in my life.  Tomatoes, lima beans, corn, fresh herbs, all popping in your mouth in a way you never thought vegetables could taste.  Everyone at my table tried my plate and wished they had ordered it.

The rest of the trip I sought after a similar meal...a friend of mine had recommended us to his buddy's place in the North End, Lucca.  They actually had a similar entree as a special.  It was close if not identical to the first, but not quite the same (though I highly recommend Lucca for both atmosphere and food).  Maybe it was just the magic of my first night in Boston matched with some of the most intense flavors I've tasted, but next time in Boston, I am marching straight to that restaurant and eating until I forget my name.

Happy New Year to all!  New posts to come!